Courses designed for intro dancers!

Follow guided weekly courses to learn Popping dance step by step from foundations to freestyle. Courses are designed for you to take one to two classes daily. However, you have the flexibility to take as many as you need to fit into your schedule. Each week's curriculum involves approximately 2 hours of content, and you can replay videos to extend your training beyond 2 hours, allowing you to master techniques at your own pace.

Week 1 : In the first week, you'll learn how to pop using different body parts. and follow the guided drills with the technique you’ve learned.

Week 2 : In the second week, you'll focus on isolation exercises and Leg&Boogaloo rolls, foundational in Popping.

Week 3 : During your third week, explore additional dance styles and vocabulary that will enhance your Popping repertoire.

Week 4 : During your fourth week, delve into some more additional illusional dance styles and practice incorporating their vocabularies through our follow-along routines.

Week 5 : In your fifth week, you'll dive into learning choreographies to challenge yourself, sweat it out, and truly savor the experience.

Week 6 : In the final week, leverage the techniques and styles learned in previous weeks to thoroughly enjoy and discover your unique voice in this dance style. Engage in guided freestyle exercises that will help unlock the door for you to explore Popping in your own distinctive way!

After finishing your 6 weeks designed courses, now you have gained foundations in Popping. You can revisit the courses for a deeper mastery of techniques, or explore on-demand classes to pick and choose specific areas you wish to train with Dassy.

Kickstart your daily session with a 7-minute warm-up stretching routine, and wind down with 13 minutes of floor stretching!

7 Minutes Pre Session Stretching

13 Minutes Post Session Stretching

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Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.