We recommend starting with our 7-minute warm-up stretching video.

After warming up, feel free to select any videos based on your preferences. However, we highly encourage you to incorporate Everyday drills into your daily routine to refine your technique consistently. We guarantee that cultivating strong discipline in your practice yields the best results in any area you're striving to improve. This habit will empower you to accomplish anything you desire in life.

Finish your session with a 13-minute floor stretching routine to enhance flexibility and wrap up your training ;)

Skip to Videos
  • poplikeprothumb.jpg

    How to POP Like a Pro with Poppin C

    Master full-body pop in just one video!
    Our latest guest teacher, Poppin C, is here with his first class! Learn how to pop like a pro as he breaks down techniques to strengthen and energize your popping drills. This class is perfect for getting your POP-ready and boosting your motivation. Let’s have fun and level up your skills together!

    Music used in this class

    Brock - Sombrewest

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    17 Minutes Toyman Style Drill

    Dive into a 17-minute Toyman style drills, focusing mainly on basic patterns you can practice. This session will help you explore simple concepts and workshop your own ideas, allowing you to dive deep into the style and freestyle with it effectively.

    Music used in this class
    Bironnex - Junk Funk Remix

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    7 Minutes Ticking & Pop in motion drills

    These quick 7-minute drills focus on ticking to other pops in motion, helping you practice how quickly you can control your contract and release between your popping techniques. This will enhance your popping skills and pave the way for improved vibration skills later on.

    Music used in this class
    SNAP! - Ooops Up

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    10 Minutes Follow-Along Groove & Rhythm & Jack

    Feeling awkward at the club or a family wedding? If you want to feel more comfortable grooving at the party, this class will teach you how to find your rhythm and groove with the music. It's a great way to warm up and get into the groove before diving into more complex dance classes or routines. Have fun!

    Music used in this class
    Dr Mad - Groove On (Feat. Anomalie)

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    Wave, King Cobra, Head&Body Isolation Drills

    This 11-minute drill session encompasses basic wave to side wave drills, 360-degree King Cobra turn, and head and body isolation exercises aimed at refining your skills in illusionary dance!

    Music used in this class
    Aries Groove - Water

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    Circle + Pop

    Great drill exercise for incorporating circular movements while practicing popping techniques! This will help you maintain fluidity while executing Pop.

    Music used in this class
    Krikit Boi - In A Moment

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    Infinity Isolation

    Unlock your movement potential with our 20-Minute Infinity Isolation drills!

    Music used in this class
    DJ Joseph Wu - FellowshipTheoFlip
    VIRAMAINA - Ancient Cultures 3 (ft. AblazeDaArchitek)

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    Basic Isolation into King Cobra

    In this class, you will learn the basic Isolation into King Cobra step by step. Isolation is crucial for body awareness and control. This exercise will offer you numerous creative approaches to freestyle dancing.

    Music used in this class
    D’angelo - Spanish Joint

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    Leg, Boogaloo Roll

    In this 13-minute drill video, you can focus on leg & boogaloo rolls. Make sure to do this exercise when you are warmed up.

    Music used in this class
    DJ Battlecat, Amplified, Terrace Martin - You

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    Pop with Arm, Chest, Leg

    In this exercise, you will drill your popping technique with your arms, chest, legs, and basic Fresno steps.
    This 15-minute drill is perfect for shaping your whole-body popping technique.

    Music used in this class
    Kahshka - Addicted by Fayme

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    Swing and Groove

    In this exercise, you will learn how to maintain the groove and swing while executing a strong popping technique.

    Music used in this class
    Legend Da Beatslaya - Out Of This World


    Isolated pop on Base & snare

    In this exercise you will be able to drill your pop technique with isolated body parts listening different instrumentals.

    Music used in this class
    Temu - Looney Funk

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    Pop and Go

    This exercise will help you learn to maintain constant movement right after you pop. This way, you'll become accustomed to flowing smoothly while maintaining a strong popping technique!

    Music used in this video :
    Kahshka - Addicted by Fayme